David Mecey


Producing an exciting and instructional photo workshop is a cooperative and complex process we take very seriously at David Mecey’s Ultimate Photo Workshop.
As our name implies, our goal is to produce workshops of unparalleled quality and content. To produce a program that accomplishes both a strong teaching environment while combining it with lighting and directing beautiful models on location, be it, indoors or outdoors.
You learn, you light, you shoot!
You learn, you light, you shoot! ™
The quality achieved by our students is truly inspiring. David’s workshops are keyed for you the student, not for David’s practice. We teach techniques and skills to help you leave DMsUPW as a photographer with a new confidence level and a newly honed skill set.
You learn, you light, you shoot! ™
With every workshop we do, we continue to bring David ever closer to you, nearer a ‘one-on-one’ teaching environment. The cost might seem more, but the reward is a much closer bond to David, his instruction and his associates.
Joining David we will have the superb Photoshop skills of David’s 1st Assistant & digital tech, Tom Ordway, a top-of-his-class graduate from Brooks Institute of Photography. He brings an expertise to the program that is truly mind-boggling, bringing yet another important teaching element to our workshop’s curriculum.
You learn, you light, you shoot! ™
Add top-notch photo assistants for lighting and grip, world-class makeup and hair artists, top wardrobe stylists, models whose beauty and poise are second to none along with select locations used for motion picture, TV, editorial, music videos or commercials, David’s Ultimate Photo Workshop leaves nothing on the table for our attendees’ needs.
All lighting equipment is furnished, including strobes, light modifiers, reflectors, grip and accessory equipment necessary to produce amazing photography. All you need bring are your cameras, laptop and a clear mind.
Thanks go out to our incredible sponsors: Chimera, Sunbounce, Dynalite, Lightware and Samy’s Cameras for providing us with our incredible arsenal of equipment.
As always, we limit the number of attendees so sign up now!
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To see attendee-submitted behind-the-scenes photographs, click here

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